Pakistan Reports

Johi: Seminar on “The Present Situation of Subcontinent and Kashmir”

By Khadim Khoso

On August 25th, 2019, a seminar was organized by Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign (PTUDC) and Berozgaar Naujawan Tehreek (BNT, Unemployed Youth Movement) on “The Current Situation of Subcontinent and Kashmir” in Johi, Sindh. This is a great example of class solidarity. It’s encouraging that the comrades of Sindh are arranging seminars and discussions regarding the libration movement of Kashmir.

The session was attended by workers, students, social and political activists. The session was chaired by Khadim Khoso and led by Hanif Misrani. Hanif Misrani said that the fascist government of BJP under Modi is violating the basic rights of Kashmiri people and brutally crushing the Peoples’ movement. The Independence of Kashmiris cannot be achieved without the liberation of the working class of Kashmir, India and Pakistan who are all enslaved by the capitalist system. The oppressed slaves of the subcontinent have been denied the right to education, healthcare, dignified employment, hygiene and sanitation. The real independence for the people of Kashmir, India and Pakistan is only possible when these rights would be recognised but it is not possible under capitalism, only a socialist society can ensure such rights which can only be achieved through a revolution and under present circumstances it not seems too far away.

Pervaiz Bahuto, Rasheed Laghari, Poet Khalil Arif Soomro, Mir Murtaza Jamali, Aijaz Jamali, Amin Laghari, Aziz Somroo, Shabir Rustamani from Tailor Worker’s Union, Anwar Sial from Barbers’ Union, Shabir Sheikh from Janitors’ Union, and Sajjad Jamali also took part in the discussion.