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36th Congress of The Struggle Commemorates the Centenary of Russian Revolution!

On Saturday, November 4th, the 36th annual Congress of The Struggle opened in Lahore. The Congress was dedicated to the centenary of Russian Revolution of 1917. This was an important milestone in the building of forces of revolutionary Marxism in Pakistan and world over.The Congress received greetings and solidarity messages from revolutionary Marxists of eleven countries around the world.

Supporters of The Struggle from all over Pakistan and many countries had gathered into the largest hall in Lahore, the Aiwan-e-Iqbal. Atmosphere was full of enthusiasm and revolutionary spirit. In spite of long distances and extremely difficult socio-economic conditions more than 2200 comrades including 150 women attended the congress this year. Participants included workers and trade unionists from almost every sector of industry and services. Large number of students from major educational institutions of the country were also present. Under price hike, vast unemployment, rising state oppression on progressive currents and extreme logistic problems the organization of Congress this year had become a daring task more than ever.

Two sessions on ‘World Perspectives’ and ‘Asiatic Mode of Production’ were held on the first day of the Congress respectively. Congress opened on 10:30 AM. First session on World Perspectives was chaired by Rauf Lund and led off by Zafar Ullah. It was summed up by Imran Kamyana. Second session on ‘Asiatic Mode of Production’ was chaired by Rahul Loth. It was led off by Hameed Khan and summed up by Lal Khan. Many comrades including international delegates intervened in the discussion that followed the lead-offs. Sessions were followed by commissions on trade union, women and youth work.

Special editions of Asian Marxist Review (AMR) and The Struggle’s Urdu magazine ‘Tabqati Jeddojehad’ were published on the congress to commemorate the centenary of Bolshevik Revolution.

After two rich sessions full of enthusiasm and revolutionary spirit on the first day of the Congress 2017 there was a brilliant mood on the second day on November 5th at Aiwan-e-Iqbal Lahore. The day opened with revolutionary anthems, poems and slogans.

First session of the day was on ‘Pakistan Perspective’ chaired by Ghufran Ahad and led off by Lal Khan. After a detailed lead off on the topic comrades from different parts of the country participated in the discussion. The session was summed up by Lal Khan while answering the numerous questions.

After the lunch break the last session of the Congress on ‘The Struggle for the Revolutionary Party’ was held. It was chaired by Rashid Sheikh and led off by Awais Qarni. CC Slate was announced by Saeed Khaskheli after which reports from the commissions held on the day before were presented. This was followed by the voting on the sessions held and the draft documents. The CC slate was then voted on and approved. Comrade Lal Khan summed up the Congress in his closing remarks after which the meeting ended with raised fists and singing of Internationale. The morale, enthusiasm and determination at these movements can’t be expressed in words. This marvelous Congress has marked a new stage in the development of forces of revolutionary Marxism in Pakistan, South Asia and world.

Here, we are publishing pictures from the two days for our readers.

Day 1

Day 2